Arrest warrants released for 20 FETO-linked suspects in an Edirne-based operation

Arrest warrants released for 20 FETO-linked suspects in an Edirne-based operation

Edirne public prosecutor's office released arrest warrants against 20 FETO-linked suspects across 10 provinces on Tuesday.

Arrest warrants issued after the suspects were found to have used ByLock, an encrypted messaging app used by FETO members to communicate.

The operations are underway to nab the suspects in Edirne, Istanbul, Ankara, Malatya, Sanliurfa, Diyarbakir, Sivas, Bursa, Konya and Kırıkkale provinces.

Since May 2016, Turkey has classified the FETO organization as a terrorist organization under the assigned names Fethullahist Terrorist Organization and Parallel State Structure. 

After the failed coup attempt in 2016, the government of Turkey blamed the group for the coup and authorities have arrested thousands of soldiers and judges who have links to the organization. 

Kaynak:Haber Kaynağı

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