Death toll from coronavirus exceeds 13,000 around the world

Death toll from coronavirus exceeds 13,000 around the world

Despite all the measures taken against the coronavirus outbreak, which was first identified in Wuhan, Hubei, China and spread across the world in a short time, the number of cases have reached 316 thousand, while the death toll has been 13,598.

Although scientists are working to find a vaccine, no vaccine has yet been found against the coronavirus outbreak, which the World Health Organization has declared a “pandemic”.

Despite all taken precautions, the virus is spreading rapidly around the world.

The number of global coronavirus cases surpassed 300,000 on Sunday, with more than 13,000 deaths worldwide.

China, Italy and the U.S. had the most patients diagnosed with the coronavirus.

Of the 947 confirmed coronavirus cases in Turkey, 21 people have died until now, according Turkish Health Minister.


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