Coronavirus worldwide: The number of confirmed cases exceeds 110 million

Coronavirus worldwide: The number of confirmed cases exceeds 110 million

The number of coronavirus-related deaths reached 2,430,179 around the world.

The coronavirus outbreak, which was first identified in Wuhan, China, and declared a pandemic by World Health Organization on March 11, is continuing to claim the lives of thousands of people across the world.

The United States, the current epicenter of the pandemic, has the highest number of confirmed cases of coronavirus with 28,381,220 cases, followed by India with 10,937,320 cases, Brazil with 9,921,981 cases, Russia with 4,099,323 cases, United Kingdom with 4,058,468 cases, France with 3,489,129, Spain with 3,096,343 cases and Italy with 2,739,591 cases.

A total of 84,882,490 people suffering from coronavirus have so far recovered and been discharged from hospitals worldwide. 

Kaynak:Haber Kaynağı

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