Death toll from coronavirus outbreak in Iran reaches 1,685

Death toll from coronavirus outbreak in Iran reaches 1,685

129 people have died from coronavirus in the last 24 hours, increasing the total number of the deaths in Iran to 1,685, said Iran's Health Ministry Public Relations Office Kianoush Jahanpour on Sunday.

“1,028 new cases were confirmed with the coronavirus in the country in the past 24 hours, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 21,638,” Jahanpour said.

“7,913 people have recovered and discharged from hospitals as of Friday,” he added.


UYARI: Küfür, hakaret, rencide edici cümleler veya imalar, inançlara saldırı içeren, imla kuralları ile yazılmamış,
Türkçe karakter kullanılmayan ve büyük harflerle yazılmış yorumlar onaylanmamaktadır.