The world must exert joint efforts to ensure global confidence, Erdoğan says

The world must exert joint efforts to ensure global confidence, Erdoğan says

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed a virtual gathering of G20 leaders on the coronavirus (COVID-19) via video conference

Addressing a virtual gathering of G20 leaders via video conference, Erdoğan said: “The coronavirus pandemic has once again underscored the importance of the G20’s spirit of cooperation and reconciliation. We have to be guides, take on responsibilities and show global cooperation during this process.”

Stating that Turkey continues its efforts to produce coronavirus diagnosis kit and develop vaccine and medicine, Erdoğan said: “I believe that this pandemic has once again reminded us that although our languages, religions and countries are different, we share the same fate. None of us can afford to implement protective and unilateral policies.”

“The experience in diagnosing and treating the disease should be shared”

Stressing that the experience in controlling the pandemic and diagnosing and treating the disease should be shared, Erdoğan noted: “The coronavirus pandemic has once again underscored the importance of the G20’s spirit of cooperation and reconciliation. We have to be guides, take on responsibilities and show global cooperation during this process. As we did during the global financial crisis, we must take action immediately and exert joint efforts to ensure global confidence.”

“I call on all the countries to take part in combating this global health crisis”

Drawing attention to the importance of helping developing countries, Africa in particular, Erdoğan said: “Let me point out that this virus, which poses a threat to all of us, has also given us the opportunity to come together against a common enemy of humanity. As has always been the case, Turkey stands ready to act in solidarity and cooperation in the face of this disaster. I call on all the countries to take part in combating this global health crisis until the entire humanity breathe a sigh of relief.”


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